Games for teaching Math and Science


(1) Team competition: Design a lesson to use a computer game in a team setting. You are welcome to develop the example from class (Green Globs & Graphing Equations, focusing on scientific applications of conic sections) or other math/science games of your choice.

(2) Logic games: Design a lesson to use a computer game in the small groups. You are welcome to develop an example from class (Mastermind) or other game-oriented math/science games of your choice. Include the following:

By working together with Ken Howard, I (the student) had to voice and therefore clarify my reasoning and defend it to my partner. We also fed off each others ideas and were able to create checks and balances to each idea presented. Students can learn patterns and why we only change one variable at a time in an experiment. This lesson is very fun and presents so much logic that is used in science investigation.